
In Their Shirt sleeves

In Their Shirtsleeves tells the ongoing story of the innovators, workers, and investors who made industry the story of Worcester. Redesigned gallery re-opening January 23, 2025.

Worcester industry Since the early Nineteenth century

About The Exhibit

Redesigned in the beautiful Fuller Gallery of Industrial History, In Their Shirtsleeves tells the ongoing story of the innovators, workers, and investors who made industry the story of Worcester. The exhibit reflects back on more than one hundred years of collecting by the Worcester Historical Museum, founded in 1875 as the Worcester Society of Antiquity. Diversity and invention have been the hallmarks of Worcester industry since the beginning of the industrial revolution in the early nineteenth century. Much of what is on exhibition has been gathered recently from generous donors, lenders, and repositories, while other artifacts and images have been part of the museum’s collections for decades.

In Their Shirtsleeves is a permanent installation, with new objects and artifacts updated regularly to shed light on Worcester’s wide industrial legacy.