Dear Friends,
DISCOVER something new/old with each visit. With each visit to the Museum of Worcester and Salisbury Mansion, guests always discover a new object and/or person that shaped our future.
WORCESTER HAS A REMARKABLE STORY. This city has a story, made up of the evolving history of its people. Each of us is part of Worcester’s story—how we work and live, what we fight for, and whom we love. Someday our present will be the past, and future generations will want to know our history.
WHO WILL TELL YOUR STORY? We do and we will….WITH YOUR HELP! At the Museum of Worcester and Salisbury Mansion, we collect and share stories from the past for today—and continue preserving today’s stories for tomorrow.
INSPIRE Future Generations: Hundreds of friends and children have been smiling these past few months – with Free Fun Friday, POW WOW, stART on the Street and the Harvey Ball which this year included a free, family block party. Help us continue to invest in our future change-makers and keep them smiling. Just $10 sends a student on a field trip-of-a-lifetime to the Museum of Worcester. $250 sends an entire class!
EXPLORE Our City. Our History, Our Future.: For 150 years the Museum of Worcester has been committed to its unique mission to explore the richly layered cultural, social and political narrative of Worcester and the region. It also provides a forum for issues that surround the making and meaning of history through stimulating lectures, fun family events, educational tours and special programs – a “living” multi-generational album for the region. Our relationship with you and the community is central to our mission.
The Annual Fund helps keep the Museum of Worcester a leader in preservation and promotion of local history. Please join us as – TOGETHER– we work to secure an exciting future for our collective past.
Thank you for your support!
William D. Wallace, Executive Director
Know that you are making a difference
Impact + Empower
With Your Assistance, We Are Able To:
Enhance school tours for students of all ages as they participate in hands-on history lessons.
Digitize our collection of more than 400,000 historical documents and photos dating back to the 17 century.
Provide valuable research tools for high school and college students as well as interested adults, in our library.
Refresh our exhibits every four months so regular visitors can learn something new about Worcester whenever they are at the Museum.
Your Gift Supports:
School tours
Exhibits and lectures
Library scanning
Community outreach
Free admission for children
Collection conservation
Classroom visits
The future of Worcester’s past